Journey Club Services
After-School Care
Call for Pricing
Per Week / Per Child
Open Enrollment
Now For 2025!
Best All Around Package!
Ages 4-10
4 HR Session
Mon. - Fri.
2pm. - 6pm.
Journey HSH
Call for Pricing
Per Week / Per Child
Open Enrollment
Now For 2025!
Engaging and Educational!
Ages 4-10
Mon. - Fri.
Christian Based Curriculum
Learning Centers
Rewards & Achievement
Weekly Behavioral Incentives!
Snack Bar!
After-School Care Discounts!
Safe environment!
Kind Staff!
Summer Camp
Call for Pricing
Per Week / Per Child
Open Enrollment
Now For 2025!
Great Interactive Fun!
Ages 4-10
Mon. - Fri. 8am. - 6pm.
Fun Activities
Snack Bar!
Additional discounts towards clubs
Movie Time!
Safe environment!
Kind Staff!
Corporate Group Rates
Call for Pricing
Schedule a Consult today!
Open Enrollment
Now For 2025!
Competitive Rates
Restrictions Apply
After-School Care
Summer Camp
Snack Bar!
Movie Time
Safe Environment!
Kind Staff!
More services coming soon! Check back for more updates.
Call for Pricing
Per Month
Fun and Stimulating!
Ages 4-10
1 hr session
per wk. for a rotated club activity!
Art Club
*Lego Robotics - New!*
VBS - Year Round
*Chef Kids - New!*
*All of the above Included in Club Package!*
Safe Environment!
Kind Staff!